

This image shows a person with poor hygiene and grooming, who has isolated himself from the outside world.

Schizophrenia is a long term mental disorder, where a person starts living in an imaginary world. He/she fails to recognize what’s real.

Schizophrenia is a complete breakdown in relation between thought, emotion and behaviour, which results in significant deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life.

People suffering from Schizophrenia, have very low levels of motivation and most of the times are emotionally flat.

The chemical named dopamine found in the brain is at work in this disorder wherein the dopamine receptor activity becomes abnormal under this type of disorder.

The suicide rate among people suffering from schizophrenia is very high, making it very important to start the treatment at the right time.

Professional counselling, social rehabilitation are very important part in treatment of a schizophrenic patient.


  • Losing interest in everyday activities like bathing, grooming and getting dressed.
  • Isolating one-self (example: not leaving the house for days)
  • Changes in sleeping cycle
  • Losing interest and motivation in life and activities, including relationship and sex.
  • Unable to concentrate on anything clearly.
  • Disorganized speech and behaviour
  • Hallucinations (auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory and gustatory)
  • Delusions
  • Low levels of motivation


More than 10% people with Schizophrenia commit suicide.


Mr M T, 21 was brought to the clinic by his parents. They complain he has not taken a bath in over a month and he stays awake all night and sleeps in the day and when they try to wake him up, he becomes violent. He often laughs and screams thinking about something, and has altogether stopped going outside the house. M T says he doesn’t need to study or work as he has build a phone, which is better than I-Phone and Steve Jobs helped him in making the phone. He often abuses his parents as he thinks they are jealous of him and are reducing his intelligence power. According to M T’s parents, his condition has worsened in the past 6 months and he often hears voices and reacts to them by laughing out loud or acting violently.