Cluster A


This image shows a Schizoid personality celebrating Christmas alone.


The following 4 or more symptoms should be there in a person to be categorised as a schizoid.

  • Emotional coldness and detachment
  • Limited capacity to express negative or positive emotions to others
  • Preference for solitary activities
  • Very few or no close friends or relationships
  • Indifference to praise or criticism
  • Taking pleasure in very few activities
  • Little interest in having a sexual partner
  • Indifference to social norms and conventions
  • Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection

Schizoid is a personality disorder, in which a person is isolated from the society and has limited interest in social relationships.

They are secretive in nature and avoid attachment from people, and furthermore they even avoid having a sexual/intimate relationship with anyone.

They live in their own elaborate and exclusive fantasy and introspective world, where they don’t let anybody in.

They find it hard to acknowledge that they are lonely and aloof, and it is more common in men than women.

Case Studies

Mr M S is a 23 year old IT engineering graduate, whose mother brought him to the clinic. She complains M S doesn’t share anything with her and stays inside his room most of the time, where no one is allowed to enter. It’s mostly dark inside and he keeps on working on a website he is developing. He doesn’t go out much and has got only one friend who visits him frequently, with whom he smokes cigarettes and cannabis. He doesn’t speak much to others. M S states that he only enjoys working on the computer and watching football. He doesn’t have interest in girls or having an intense relationship with them. M S often fantasises about becoming a huge computer tycoon like Bill Gates, and gets irritated when his mother tries to give him a reality check. Her mother is worried, as he avoids going out to family gatherings and social functions, even on festive occasions.


Bill Gates has Schizoid Personality Disorder.


This image shows a person isolating himself, even in a social gathering.


5 or more of the following symptoms should be there in a person to be treated under schizotypal:

  • Ideas of reference
  • Abnormally superstitious
  • Unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions
  • Odd thinking and speech
  • Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation
  • Inappropriate or constricted affect
  • Behaviour or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar
  • Lack of close friends and relationships
  • Excessive social anxiety even in familiar environment

Schizotypal is a personality disorder, in which a person isolates himself socially from others because they misinterpret others behaviours and intentions towards them.
Their behaviour in social environment is odd and eccentric due to the anxiety they have in such situations.
They feel discomfort in understanding and building relationship with others and are unusually superstitious with unconventional beliefs.
Schizotypal disorder usually develops from adolescence or early adulthood.

Case Studies

A 34 year old S S came to the clinic along with her partner A. She has a history of isolating herself and currently has no close friends. She teaches tuitions to primary children and avoids going out of the house, unless absolutely needed. At home she stays occupied most of the time with the wide range of plants and flowers she has planted, she thinks they provide her with energy and life, she considers them the most important part of her life. She avoids going out of the house with A as when there are people around, she thinks people are noticing her excessively which makes her anxious and nervous. Mr. A feels frustrated with the relationship he has with her, and states she is paranoid and fears the worst about him, when he is not around. S S also doubts him unnecessarily as she thinks he is with other women, when not with her.


3% of the general population has Schizotypal Personality Disorder.


This image shows a husband doubting and imagining wrong things about her wife, just because she is talking to another man.


Four or more of the following symptoms should be present in a person, to be categorised under paranoid personality disorder


  • Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming or deceiving him or her
  • Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates
  • Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that information will be used maliciously against him or her
  • Reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into normal remarks or events
  • Persistently bear grudges
  • Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of partner
  • Perceives attacks on his or her character that are not apparent to others, and is quick to react angrily
  • Social isolation

Paranoid personality disorder is characterised by paranoia, where a person is extremely suspicious and doubting of other people.
They always suspect the motives and intentions of other people and take things to the extreme impacting every personal and professional relationship they share.
Due to all these trust issues these people think that the others want to exploit deceive and harm them as a result they have frequent arguments and are hostile towards others.
As these people don’t trust others they are highly self sufficient and have a strong sense of autonomy.
Paranoid Personality Disorder is more common in men than women and they can’t tolerate any criticism from other people.

Case Studies

M B, 44 years is a litigation lawyer, who came to the clinic with his wife S B. She is distressed and depressed by her husband’s violent and suspecting behaviour. She says, he doubts me about everything, from my loyalty towards him, money I spend, whenever I go out he doubts me, when I talk on phone he doubts and even when I’m laughing he gets jealous believing I’m thinking of another man. He has a few friends with whom he drinks and spends time with. It’s been years she states, since her husband took her out anywhere. M B is not even sure of how much her husband earns in a month. M B prefers to work alone in his office after he fired his 5th assistant in the past 1 year as he suspected they are leaking confidential information about the court cases to his rival lawyers. Mr M B, when called in to talk about these issues, he thinks it’s an invasion of his privacy. He looks at his wife with suspect and states, she has a habit of exaggerating things and all is fine in their marriage.


No Medications are there for Paranoid patients, only counselling can help them.