When you are in a situation where people can observe you, do you feel nervous that they will judge you?


When you are in a situation where people can observe you, do you feel nervous that they will judge you?


You step out of the house and there are places where people observe you or you have a fear in the mind that they are observing you. That fear you feel restrains your movement, damages your confidence and you can’t help but thinking about what people are thinking about you, are they judging you? Or speaking ill about you? That anxiety increases several times when you are facing a high authority figure like your boss, teacher or even a person with higher social or economic standing. That anxiety just prays on the uncertainty you have about yourselves and the uncertainty of the future.


The anxiety just creeps up inside us because of the insecurities we have about ourselves, they may vary from person to person but in most cases it is because of our looks, appearance and particularly in women about their weight. We at most times compare ourselves physically, professionally and personally with people whom we envy. In this process we forget our own individuality, our own qualities and most importantly the uniqueness of an individual which separates us from everybody else. Always keep in mind it bestows upon us how we deal with those insecurities the more we are skeptical about them, the more it gets magnified in front of people, thus overpowering all the good things about us. When we are in that negative mind frame it sweeps away every positive thought or quality we have. A lot of what people perceive about you depends on your mind frame not on appearances. I still remember a person from my school days who was of average height, had a pale skin colour and was overweight but never did his physical appearance hampered him, he was a lively soul and gained instant following for the person he was from inside and that always was more powerful than his physical appearance, he had more friends than people who were externally superior than him.

The Negatives

Negativity is something which has more percentage of our attention span; we notice negative things before the positive ones. Look around in newspapers rarely will you find positive headlines encrypted upon them. So I don’t blame anyone who thinks overly about something negative about them, but I do blame them if they keep thinking about and making themselves worse because of it, if you can change it make efforts in the right direction and if it is something which you have no control over, let it be. Whoever you are you are a special individual, learn to love yourself and everything around you will brighten up automatically, sometimes changing your outlook towards yourselves changes the perception about the world we live in, when you choose to see good in yourself, you will see good points in others too. It’s all in the mind and how we perceive things. The choice is yours what you wish to look at.


Accept who you are and be at peace with it, and if you seek to compare yourself to others then compare yourself with a person less fortunate then you like a handicapped or blind person, chances are he may be happier than you, because he accepts his situation and still manages to survive. People care as much about your appearance, defects or clothing as much as you do. So by thinking overly about these things you only give people the invitation to judge yourself. “Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.”


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